1. "Oh, nowadays, taking the subway is like finding a needle in a haystack!
2. "It's rare to see anyone using the subway these days; it's like a ghost town!
3. "Haven't seen many people on the subway lately. Must be everyone's opting for bikes and cars!
4. "The subway seems to be abandoned lately. Not a soul in sight!
5. "It's a rarity to spot someone on the subway now. I miss the bustling crowd!
1. 为什么现在很少人坐地铁?
2. 有没有可能地铁票价上涨导致人少?
3. 人们现在更喜欢什么交通工具?
4. 地铁运营时间是否调整了?
5. 最近有没有地铁线路开通或关闭?